Saturday, December 15, 2012

Adios Licenciado

He was given to me at a time when I was grieving. I had sent Gabo the black lab to dog boarding school and he mysteriously died overnight. The owner asked me to accept his apologies and the gift of a beautiful almost white yellow lab. I named him Licenciado, the title given to people who graduate college in Latin America. I have always found it funny that this title defines some people so much they demand from others that they call them that, as opposed to their names. It was funny, and he had more intuition that many of the real ones, the ones with many diplomas.
From the minute I met him I admired him. Little as he was, he already had strong paws, a beautiful boxy head and an elegant and strong stance.Some animals, like some people, are just born flawless. He was by far the most beautiful pet I had ever owned. Soon I was to find out he would also be the most spirited, annoying and disarmingly warm, all at once.

I remember these Licenciado moments clearly:

1. When my mom, who reprogrammed herself to not like pets after suffering the death of Frosty, met him for the first time. After she had Jesused another Dog Me she came back into the room, and covered him with a blanket while he slept. I knew she would be ok with him staying.

2.When we went on vacation to Hector's house at the lake and he disappeared one morning. Security and guests searched every inch of the property to no avail. He was spotted three hours later on the dirt road with a fellow canine lady friend,taking it easy. After he came back he proceeded to play in the water , his favorite pastime. It ended badly when he ate the neighbors floating devices. When we were all sitting around the terrace atthe days's end he laid out in front of me to rest, finally exhausted. Hector turned to his mom and asked her "guapo , verdad?" "Si, muy guapo", she answered.

3. When we took him to the beach, tethered him to a Rubbermaid table and he ran off with the table. Seafood everywhere.

4.When he got in the car, equipped with a pet net, but insisted on sitting shotgun.

5.When I had my heart broken and cried like you only can when your heart is, indeed, breaking. He put his giant head on my lap. I'm sure he didn't understand but he sensed something was off, and it was not the time to try to knock me over or play. Some humans don't give you that courtesy.

6.How much he loved kids and how much he scared them, Ironic, really.

7.The fact that he went to dog school and after four weeks only learned "sit."

8.Our first dog show, where he won for beauty but failed in obedience.I started calling him my dumb blonde.

7. When he chased Chayito, my sister's Boston Terrier at the lake house and got literally booted from the house. I had to bring him back to the city.I still think that was overkill, he was just trying to play.

8.When he met Gizmo, Marcela's yorkie, and the smaller dog slid down his back and that was their game. Until he knocked him over with his big paw.

9.The anguish I felt when he ate all the mangos that fell from our tree and ended up vomiting nonstop. I thought his stomach had turned, as it is common with labs. I slept on the floor next to him to be able to hear his breathing and to be there in case he puked. I remember thinking maybe I would be a good mother after all.

10. When we said goodbye, my plan was to not make a big deal out of it, to not be sentimental.I'd return soon anyway, and he would still be there.

But I did not return in time for that. And the cycle of his arrival and departure closes, for here I am,grieving again. Because that floppy eared, boxy headed, clueless beast that drove me crazy also drove me good crazy. Because despite all of the public humiliation and endless mortifying moments he made me go through, despite his bad behavior, his heart was all goodness. And today he died, and I wasn't there to help him or even pet him. And now I can't stop crying.Kind of like the time he rested his boxy head on my lap only now there's no black snotty nose on my knee. And if I listen closely I hear a crack, my heart breaking. Adios, Licenciado.