Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Lola's Life is a Video Game

Washington Commons, NYC

Lola is tugging at her leash. I can feel it coming. She's revving up her inexplicably strong twenty five pound dog body to chase something. I am usually prepared for this in autumn, when the leaves fly around or sit in huge piles by the side of Orchard Place, my Connecticut street. But today she seems to be going after something else, the pink petals that have fallen from the trees that line Horatio street in New York. They are tiny, even less attainable than the big dry leaves she chases in the fall. It's like Lola's life is a video game, and like in said games she is now on a new level where the dynamic of the game is still the same (i.e. chasing something presently out of her reach) only the level of difficulty has been increased. Lola is unwittingly conveying a message of mockery. My life is a video game.