Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Wedding Funk

The Wedding Funk.

I've been in a funk for the past twenty two days,
just festering and recoiling from the tasks of wedding daze.
All this saving, all this planning, just for one day out of life,
party favors, nighttime terrors, to become somebody's wife.

I fast forward to the day of,and things there don't look so grim.
Best friends, music, party chaos and my drink of choice, my gin.
First slow dances and white dresses,scrumptious food and wedding cake.
All of these are things I think of to retain the peace I make.

Then there's gifts and honeymooning, sunny beaches,little huts.
White sand moments we'll remember when we hate each other's guts.
Expectations, no carnations only roses purely white,
Decorations, cocktail stations, they will all be gone by night.

Don't expect to see me play the role of swan princess in veil,
all prince charming and no problems,that is such a bullshit sale,
And my friends won't let me lie, they've seen me laugh ,they've seen me fail,
this is painful time consuming and its not a fairytale.

I wrote this in the midst of wedding planning, on a frustrated day at work when I should have been doing research. (Sorry Dr.Li). I can honestly say there where times when it seemed we had chosen to do things the hard way by having this ceremony and the party that ensued , as opposed to just staying at legally married and going on a spending spree at Design Within Reach. It has now been a week since the wedding and I still sit and recall bits and pieces of it, relishing once again in the newly made memories. The cheesy fairytale book is full of brides exclaiming their wedding day is the best day of their lives. I like to think I will not peak so early in life. But I also have to give it to them, because if the one day in your life when all the people from your past and present who mean the world to you, who have been witnesses of your highs and lows (and have stuck with you through both) are gathered in one room celebrating you and love and the good things this life has to offer, if that day is not your happiest I don't know what could be.
I like to think that our wedding , although intended to celebrate love between myself and my husband, was also a celebration of friendship and those love stories that are not necessarily of the romantic kind. Ongoing stories made of bonds formed out of loyalty and friendship. Because at this wedding there were people who have literally peeled me off the ground, and are just as happy to be there to see me soar. They have been my confidentes, my shrinks, my clients, my support system, my fun, and my school. I have truly been blessed with immensely kind, bright and good people as friends, a circle that is insurance against the mean reds and all things that can go wrong in life. You can't really tell but I am tearing up. I love you all, thank you for the efforts you made to be here,it really was the best day ever.

