Saturday, December 17, 2011

Our Wars

  In the order of life a mother should not bury her children. In less than one year my aunt has lived to see two of her sons killed in brutal ways. In a span of five years , a grandson, and a nephew also. She is not a number. Her name is Mercedes ,to me she is my Tia Meches. She is a blonde petite waiflike woman in her late eighties. She has lots of freckles and puts  those plastic fruit shaped things filled with flavored sugar on her Christmas tree as ornaments. As a kid she would let me come over to her elegant old school looking house in la  Flor Blanca and eat them without telling my mom. She loves music..she is a woman who's heart has been broken too many times by wars, her own and our country's. El Salvador is so many things; A small paradise, a little corner of the world full of magical places,  fertile earth for happy people, gente cachimbona.  Sadly it also  has always been a scenario for wars, for violence. From the famous "soccer war", to our very uncivil civil war, to the gang ridden vulnerable place it has become. If I reason it out in my head I think the sickness of our society can be  traced back all the way back to when the civil war ended. The lack of values, the loss of principles, the demoralization in general that comes after a war  could be where the gestation of our present situation started.  To that I would add a string of governments who were unable to truly serve their people, unable to provide employment for those old enough to work and education for those young enough to make a difference down the road. Add the massive deportation of criminals, the disappearance of a sense of community, of the thread that holds society together  and El Salvador is suddenly the saddest paradise there ever was.  It used to be that some of us had the luxury of living in a bubble, that luxury can no longer be afforded. Lurking in any and every corner is someone willing to cheat you out of your life for a cell phone, a watch, some cash. Dehumanized. That is what criminals are, and  sadly it is what we are slowly becoming. The repeated practice of reading about murders every day has led us to register less and less shock as the days go by. As bad news invades our tv sets, our computer screens and our newspapers we are losing the ability to be appalled, to be enraged, to DEMAND the security that we need. Some say we should take it into our own hands, the old "eye for an eye". I don't necessarily think the world would go blind like Gandhi did, but I do think that it would force good people to stain their hands with another human being's blood. And then they wouldn't be good anymore. Violence generates violence, it is a law as true as the law of gravity. It is textbook cause and effect. So how do we fight our wars?  we fight them by bothering to meet our neighbors, by rebuilding the threads of community and solidarity that make a society strong. We fight them by not giving up, by doing anything in our power to make the lives of those around us safer, nicer, happier, easier. We fight by getting involved in civil organizations, be it volunteering to teach impoverished families a trade, or their children how to read. We fight with the one weapon that can touch a human heart, even a hardened one,  and that is kindness.  

I want to give my best thanks to all of you who through emails, texts, facebook messeges  and phone calls expressed your sadness for my family's loss. There is one more thing you can do, tomorrow there is a demonstration against all this violence at Salvador del Mundo, at 10:00 a.m.  If you or your family have been victims of crime, go. If you know someone who was, go. If you  have kids that you wish a better life for, go. The power of masses has been seen all over the world this year, become involved. 

Thank you again from the bottom of my heart.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

The sucker in seersucker

I am a sucker. In a town of seersuckers I  have just put the sucker on that word. But how can one possibly resist????????I am only human. I love sales. Sadly, I also have what my husband calls caviar taste on a fish stick budget. So true to form, I have been admiring the Stella McCartney Falabella bag from afar. I pop in to visit her at Saks here and there, I google it just to see the images. I put it over my shoulder, walk to the mirror and admire it. Then an image of "Confessions of a Shopaholic" comes to mind. Becky is admiring the green scarf and she imagines herself walking down the street, saying to herself " people will refer to me as the girl in the green scarf"... I want to be referred to as the girl with the Falabella bag, even if that Kardashian skank owns it. Not even THAT can ruin it for me.  I look at the price tag, sigh and put it back. I am not a shallow ditz with a credit card. I don't believe I am entitled to things just because.I have lived in Africa, I know how many families would eat with that amount. And still, I give it one last longing glance and leave the store. I keep checking it out online. I look for it on ebay in the hopes that a sick shopaholic needs to get rid of hers to buy lunch. No luck. I show it to my husband, hinting Christmas is around the corner. He barely looks at it. No sale. Next day I have a friend in town, she is here to shop. There is a sale at Saks. I am so convinced I am not there to shop but to play tour guide, so much that I leave my credit card at home and only carry my husband's. Who should I run into , but the the gorgeous Falabella  quilted bucket bag. Forty percent off. Take another 10% away if you get the Saks card. I go through the drill, picking it up, throwing it over my shoulder, walking to the mirror, looking at the price tag. This time I don't put it down. The minute it goes back on the shelf another pair of greedy hands will pick it up. I hold it close. I do mental math. It is doable. I call my husband. He says to do what I need to do. It sounds like when I pestered my mother for permission to go out, and she snapped "do whatever you want". I decide to ignore the tone and go merely with the words. Credit card in hand I am informed that since I don't have a  social security number I cannot apply for the Saks card. Too late. I was never good at math anyway. And by the way, I rock it better than Rihanna.

I love you Matt.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Girl Gadgets

 Cool gadgets aren't only for boys. I get excited when I find something that's cool, quirky and serves its purpose in not only a functional but fun way. I have always had certain reserves when it comes to the use of cell phones and the radiation they give off when you put it up to your ear. Near your brain.  When it comes to health there is  already  enough bad stuff that can happen to us  that is beyond our control, so my advice is  do whatever is within your reach  to take care of yourself. I found a  pretty cool gadget to fend off brain cancer, a retro handset from  There are lots of  them to choose from, starting at US $39.96

Warning: you might get laughed at when breaking it out of your purse, but whoever doesn't get brain cancer laughs last, and best.
Happy yapping!

Monday, November 21, 2011

The Beauty Quest

One thing about being a can't look like crap. Everyone knows you have all the time in the world so no one will be able to understand why you haven't combed your hair, or fixed those chipped nails. I have managed to find ways to look decent without breaking the piggy or becoming Narcissus. In my quest for effortless beauty I have found that a good haircut is key. There is some major talent around here, problem is they charge anywhere from US$100 to $750. Ay Cisco, how I miss thee. Anyway, the solution? go on where licensed cosmetologists pursuing higher training look for hair models every day. I went on it and picked Kevin Baker of the Mizu Salon on 505 Park Avenue. I could not be happier.I had over $200 worth of services at a majorly discounted price. Hurry and make your appointments,the bargains of today are the Fekkais of tomorrow.


Sunday, November 20, 2011

Home Improvement 101

   I have moved into a New England boy scout's dream home.  My home decor consists of Mallard lamps, animal decoys, and a table in the shape of a dog holding a platter in his mouth. As much as I have grown fond of Matt's "Sir Houndstooth" table, I find myself  constantly thinking of ways to inject bits of my kookier taste in what is now our little abode...My new discovery? Using chalkboard paint on walls! Fear not my friends,when used well, black isn't goth or creepy, it's a great alternative to give your walls personality. I used the  Rust Oleum Chalkboard Paint they sell at Home Depot which retalis for           US $24.97. All you have to do is paint over your blah walls and voila!!

Have fun and go with it!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Four score and seven years ago.....

Nah, it hasn't been that long. I have been living in the US for over four months now. Four months of being a Greenwich, Connecticut housewife. A far cry from El Salvy.You probably expect this to be a blog about whining and moaning, but I've done enough of that to my kind neighbors Carol and Jen.... instead I want to share the funny, ironic, exciting and the just plain stupid things I do to fill my days....

"The grass is always greener on the other side, but the fertlizer can be very expensive ".

love and light,